這次 GTG #15 由兩位講者帶來分享:
We'll have 2 speakers for GTG #15:
David Hernández - Go Microservices at Songkick
David is the organiser of GolangUK, also a speaker (specially about testing) and a good gopher. He's traveling to Taiwan in October and he'll be sharing his current work for his client Songkick.
Jerry Huang - 進擊的 Gobot
Gobot 是一套以 Golang 實作的框架,提供如 Arduino、Raspberry Pi ...等等目前普遍的硬體接口,此次分享除了簡單介紹此套框架,亦會 demo Gobot 與 Sphero,一起來玩點不一樣的東西吧!
Gobot is a framework for robotics, physical computing, and the Internet of Things, written in the Go programming language. Besides the introduction of Gobot, I'll also do a little demo about Gobot and Sphero. Let's play something different!
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