這次 GTG #28 由 5 位講者帶來分享:
We'll have 5 speakers for GTG #28
19:30 ~ 20:10: 盧俊錡 False Sharing 與解法
這次的分享將會跟大家介紹支援平行併發的系統在多核環境中面臨的效能陷阱 — false-sharing,並以 golang 為例說明對應的處理方式。
閃電秀 (Lightning Talk) 已經報名場次
- 王思元 - "Deploy Your First Go WebApp to AWS"
- 陳杰翰 - "ipfs - a brief introduction"
- 黃柏瑋 "Goroutines vs. Threads vs. Processes"
- Shih-Hsiang Lin "testing on concurrency"
- 鮑承佑 - "Proto.Actor"串接Go與C#簡易上手
Evan Lin - "Understanding Channels" (30 mins)
Refer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBZlN0izeiY
Lightning Talk and Discussion Session:
開放報名,每一個段落大概是 5 ~ 10 mins .如果你搶不到票,請跟 Go 程式語言 社群申請來分享閃電秀.就可以馬上拿到一張票.
- 徵才(Golang 相關)
- 介紹自己開發的 Golang 套件
- 分享 Golang 相關的議題
We also open a session for Lightning Talk. Each session length is 5 ~ 10 minutes. If you could not register yor ticket, how about join our lightning talk and get your ticket.
The lightning talk content could be one of following:
- Golang Job Recruitment
- Introduction your own open source Golang package
感謝 Dcard 提供場地